Mayor of Maidstone helps raise the flag for Royal British Legion
The Mayor of Maidstone, Cllr Marion Ring has stepped-in to help raise funds for the local branch of the Royal British Legion to enable them to buy a new Standard Flag.
The Mayor of Maidstone, Cllr Marion Ring has stepped-in to help raise funds for the local branch of the Royal British Legion to enable them to buy a new Standard Flag.
With a General Election scheduled to be held on 12 December, there is less than a month for people to make sure they are registered to vote, and Maidstone Borough Council is encouraging everyone to make sure they’re able to have their say at the polls.
Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) has published details of its ‘Call for Sites’ submissions today – Monday 4 November 2019.
Three events celebrating sports are taking place at Maidstone Museum during November.
Three projects within Maidstone Borough Council Housing and Economic Development teams have won housing awards along with a highly commended for a team member at the Kent Housing Group Excellence Awards 2019.