Anyone who wants to vote must ensure that they are on the electoral register before Tuesday 26 November; they only have to do so once and registering only takes a few minutes. (However, if they have changed their address, name or nationality since they first registered, they should do so again with their current information.)
If anyone is unsure whether they are qualified to vote at a UK General Election - they must:
They are required to compete a form online at:
and follow the instructions to vote. The minimum required is National Insurance Details and Date of Birth.
For those who are unable to vote on 12 December there are two choices which are a postal vote or voting by proxy.
Postal Vote:
All registered voters are eligible to have a postal vote without having to give a reason. They can apply for a postal vote by going to:
and return the completed form to their local Electoral Registration Office. All postal vote application forms must be returned by 5pm, 11 working days before the poll – Tuesday 26 November 2019.
Proxy Vote:
Voters can appoint someone else to play their vote on their behalf. Anyone who is registered to vote can cast as their proxy. The required form to complete will depend on the reason for requiring a proxy. More information can be found at:
Allowed reasons for a proxy vote application include: