News £1million for Biodiversity and Climate Change in Maidstone

£1million for Biodiversity and Climate Change in Maidstone image

Maidstone Borough Council has agreed to spend £1million of capital expenditure on Climate Change and Biodiversity in the coming year.

The Council is leading the way on environmental action through its cross party Biodiversity and Climate Change Working Group and is working towards making the Borough carbon neutral.

The working group is developing an ambitious action plan to protect and enhance local biodiversity and address the climate emergency.

In order to implement the plan the Policy and Resources Committee agreed this week to commit £1million towards this.

Cllr Martin Cox leader of Maidstone Borough Council said:

“In April 2019 Maidstone Borough Council declared twin emergencies in Biodiversity and Climate Change and this funding demonstrates our commitment towards tackling this national emergency. This funding will make a huge difference. It is our small contribution to fighting climate change globally.”

The group is already gathering information about emissions from council activities including buildings and vehicles and will use this to create the plan and reduce those emissions to net zero by 2030.

They will be seeking views from young people, residents and landowners and land managers on ways to restore lost biodiversity and address the unfolding climate emergency.

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