News Download the NHS Covid-19 App today says MBC

Download the NHS Covid-19 App today says MBC  image

Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is asking everyone to download the NHS Covid-19 App and play their part in tackling the virus.

The NHS App has been rolled out nationally to make it easier for people to check-in at different premises. It has become mandatory for a wide range of businesses and organisations, including public buildings, hospitality, close contact services and leisure venues to display NHS QR code posters.  This will allow people to scan the code using the App and they won’t need to log in via any other route.

Information will be gathered through the NHS Covid-19 App as people  use the QR code displayed in each premises, which is vital to enable the NHS Test and Trace service in England, to contact the necessary people if coronavirus outbreaks are identified in a venue.

All of MBC’s buildings have introduced the signage today with individual codes on display, and the Council is encouraging as many as possible to download the NHS App.

Alison Broom, MBC Chief Executive said:

“We are asking everyone to download the NHS Covid-19 App today.  It will make life so much easier for them and for us if coronavirus should be identified in one of our buildings.

“Maidstone Borough Council has ensured that all of our premises are Covid-19 secure so people shouldn’t worry about visiting our buildings, whether it be at the Maidstone Museum, Vinters Park Crematorium or the Town Hall. However, these new QR codes are important in assisting the Test and Trace service if it should be needed.”

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said:

“It is vital we do all we can to control the spread of the virus. Businesses have already stepped up to ensure they are supporting the NHS Test and Trace effort, and it is essential contact logs and displaying NHS QR codes are mandatory so there is consistency across the country and the public can seamlessly provide their details.

Venues are required to record and maintain contact details logs for customers, visitors, and staff, and display an official NHS QR code poster for their premises in-line with the launch of the NHS COVID-19 app.

With cases rising, it is vital NHS Test and Trace continues to reach as many people as possible to prevent further transmission of the virus. Businesses have a duty to ensure this function is in place, and those not complying will face fines.”

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