News Maidstone business working with women to promote digital skills for Women’s History Month

Maidstone business working with women  to promote digital skills for Women’s History Month  image

A Maidstone business at the forefront of promoting female empowerment and success is asking women to share their digital skills this Women’s History Month.

Community and members club, Digital Women, wants ladies of all abilities from beginner to expert to help others to learn by taking part in their ‘Digital Skills Showcase Challenge.’ The initiative is headed up by Lucy Hall of Avisso Media, the digital marketing and events agency founded in partnership with her husband, Stuart Hall and based at the Business Terrace ran by Maidstone Borough Council (MBC).

Participants of the Digital Skills Showcase Challenge are invited to film themselves demonstrating their skill in twenty minutes or less – anything from ‘how to use Instagram reels’ to ‘how to create a digital course’- and post it to the Digital Women Facebook group, or on social media using the hashtags #DigitalWomensMonth and #SkillShare.

Since its inception, Digital Women has gone from strength to strength, growing from 900 to 7,000 members, some as far as Spain and New Zealand, as well as receiving support from Dragon’s Den’s Deborah Meaden who recently got in touch to take part in a Q&A. The much-anticipated Digital Women Awards shortlist is due to be announced on International Women’s Day (8th March) where the ’40 Women to Watch in 2021’ will also be revealed.

The business’s achievements have led to founder Lucy being described as ‘one of the most influential women in UK tech.’ Lucy comments,

“I am really excited about the digital skill sharing challenge! It’s going to be great to see what people create and how it boosts confidence in return.

“Giving people a platform to share their expertise means that new role models are created and other women have someone that looks like them that inspires them into a digital business or career. These initiatives help us towards our mission of empowering a million women through digital skills.”

Digital Women was launched in 2019 with the aim of closing the gender skills gap and comprises a broad mix of members from students, freelancers and business owners to designers, tech specialists and global marketing directors. Both Digital Women and Avisso Media are based at the MBC Growth Accelerator, the Business Terrace which provides a new generation of flexible workspace to help businesses to start, grow and thrive.

John Foster, MBC’s Head of Regeneration and Economic Development added:

“This is a great initiative from Digital Women in Women’s History Month to continue their work championing women. It’s so exciting to see a Maidstone business really leading the way in its field and helping cement Maidstone’s status as ‘the business capital of Kent.’ It’s a fantastic example of the wealth of talent in the borough and we want to nurture even more pioneering businesses like this.

“Business Terrace tenants like Digital Women and Avisso Media have access to a range of advice and resources, but support is also open to all businesspeople in Maidstone looking to grow and develop. I hope they are inspired to access the help available and achieve their ambitions.”

To find out more about the Business Terrace and access help and support visit:

Find out more about the Digital Skills Showcase Challenge:

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