News Take part in Heritage Open Days

Take part in Heritage Open Days  image

Maidstone Borough Council is looking for venues who would like to take part in ‘Edible England’ Heritage Open Days from Saturday 10 to Sunday 19 September this year.

Heritage Open Days is England’s largest festival of history and culture, offering free events which celebrate local heritage, community and history.

Cllr Paul Harper, Chair of the Economic Regeneration and Leisure Committee said:

“This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone with a building or place with a great history or heritage in relation to any kind of food or drink production in Kent to open their doors and take part.

“There is no doubt that here in Maidstone we have a wealth of history, particularly when it comes to food and drink. Fremlins Brewery is a great example of this, along with wonderful cider makers, brilliant wine growers and some of the best fruit producers in the world. Working practices have changed the way we farm and ensured through science and research that the world has made great strides to be able to feed the population.

“Following our release from lockdown and a return to normal life we hope events like these where people can get out and about again will be very popular, so it is the perfect opportunity for any food or drink producers to try it out.”

In previous years people have been able to see places they do not normally have access to, climbing to the tops of church towers and up into the observatory at Maidstone Museum. As well as cellars and nuclear bunkers, places like the Archbishop’s Palace, with its wealth of history, have all opened their doors.

Interested venues can find out more information here: or contact or

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