The strategy will form the basis for all work with Maidstone residents and partner organisations and will inform the development of other important strategies and policies that link to housing, including the Local Plan.
John Littlemore, Head of Housing and Community Services at Maidstone Borough Council said: “This is an opportunity for people to have their say on the new housing strategy, we welcome everyone’s views. We will take these views and use them to help shape our new strategy, which will be published in Spring 2022.
“This Housing Strategy has been written at a time of unprecedented challenge. The full impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic are not yet fully understood however there is expected to be further pressure on housing services in the short to medium-term.”
The Strategy describes the objectives, policies and targets for how MBC intend to manage and deliver the strategic housing role and provides an overarching framework against which the authority considers and formulates other policies on more specific housing issues.
It also supports the Council's strategic ambition for the Borough to be a vibrant, prosperous, urban and rural community at the heart of Kent where everyone can realise their potential.
This final strategy will be agreed by the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee in early 2022.
The consultation closes Friday 31 December 2021 and the survey takes around eight minutes to complete, take part here: