News More trees for Maidstone

More trees for Maidstone image

Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is working with developers to ensure high quality landscaping in new development across the borough, for the benefit of the residents of Maidstone.

The role of the Council’s Landscape Conditions Implementation Officer is to engage with developers and ensure that they undertake the works they have committed to in their planning applications and supporting Landscape Ecological Management Plans.

This includes making sure that the proposed planting of trees or sowing of wildflower meadows takes place on new developments, and that any dead or dying trees or plants are replaced to ensure a pleasant setting for new homes and for the wider community.

MBC Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, Cllr Paul Cooper said:

Trees are good for people’s wellbeing and local identity; they help screen and soften new buildings, absorb carbon dioxide, filter pollution, provide shade, can help prevent flooding and soil damage, and have many benefits for wildlife.

MBC works closely with local developers to ensure that they adhere to good quality landscaping, planting and trees to enhance the new developments being built throughout the borough.

Commercial and urban areas with good tree cover are known to attract higher levels of investment.  With the right management, a single tree can provide a valuable contribution to a place and its inhabitants for centuries.  Other landscaping proposals may include hibernacula (homes for wildlife), grassland or wildflower meadows, ponds and pathways, all of which have benefits for our environment.

The Council always contacts developers in the first instance, to provide an opportunity for them to ensure that any missed or failed landscape or planting proposals are remedied.

However, if action is not taken to ensure that agreed trees and planting are implemented, MBC do take this seriously.  We have therefore recently served eight Breach of Conditions Notices to try to ensure the right planting goes in on new developments during the tree planting season this winter.

One of the four MBC priorities is Embracing Growth and Enabling Infrastructure and the Landscape Ecological Management Plans reflect that. Anyone requiring further information can email:

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