News ‘Stay Connected’ to Maidstone Borough Council

‘Stay Connected’ to Maidstone Borough Council image

Look out for a ‘Stay Connected’ pop up on the Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) website and sign up to receive vital news and updates via e-newsletters for the many Council services and events across the borough.

The regular e-newsletters are emailed directly to inboxes and make it easier for residents and businesses to keep up to date with all the great things happening in Maidstone.

More than 37,000 people have already registered across eight different e-newsletters; the latest is for ‘Planning Applications’ which lists all the latest applications MBC has received and decisions made; ‘Environmental Services’ includes tips and helpful advice, waste service updates as well as news about what is happening in the many parks and green spaces, ‘What’s On’ features the many fantastic events taking place over the coming months, ‘Consultations’ gives everyone an opportunity to have their say.

‘Climate Change and Biodiversity’ provides many suggestions on how to live more sustainably as well as news, grants and advice, and ‘Business in Maidstone’ outlines training opportunities, grants and business news. ‘News’ is a round up of the latest Council service events and updates whilst ‘Visit Maidstone’ gives all the latest offers and great places to visit and stay around the area.

Cllr Claudine Russell, Cabinet Member for Communities, Leisure and Arts said:

The e-newsletters are proving really popular and keep everyone informed of the many events, updates and services from across the whole council. It is very easy to register; you just need an email address.

To sign up for the e-newsletters simply register your email address on the pop up that will appear on the website or visit, then tick all the topics you would like to hear more about.

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