News MBC objects to Hermitage Quarry extension

MBC objects to Hermitage Quarry extension image

Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) has formally objected to any proposed extension of Hermitage Quarry into ancient Oaken Wood at Barming.

The objections were set out by MBC in a letter sent to Kent County Council (KCC) in response to the ongoing review of the Kent Minerals Sites Plan and raised concerns regarding implications for the wider environment arising from a potential further extension of Hermitage Quarry.

MBC stated that the nominated extension site at Hermitage Quarry would result in loss or deterioration of irreplaceable ancient woodland at Oaken Wood resulting in landscape fragmentation that would disrupt wildlife corridors, reduce biodiversity, and affect species that rely on large, continuous natural habitats.

The previous administration at the borough council had responded to the consultation in August 2023. However, the new MBC administration wanted to set out its clear position on the matter and has provided KCC with an updated response.  This was to ensure that KCC fully understands MBC’s latest stance before progressing to the next stage of the Kent Mineral Sites Plan Review.

In his letter to KCC Cllr Tony Harwood, MBC Cabinet Member for Planning, Policy and Management raised that the proposed extension on that site would lead to a partial loss of Oaken Wood which could cause significant ecological disturbance, leading to harmful habitat loss and fragmentation.

Cllr Harwood said:

This decision is a clear statement of intent from the new MBC administration, that we will resist any development proposals that threaten our Borough’s most important countryside and wildlife habitats.

Cllr Harwood added:

What remains of our sadly now much-depleted ancient woodland heritage must be protected, with urgent action taken to improve the habitat health, while overcoming an insidious isolation of our woods within an increasingly hostile landscape - through means such as expanding tree and hedgerow cover.

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