News New secure bike parking for cyclists in Maidstone

New secure bike parking for cyclists in Maidstone image

Cyclists in Maidstone rejoice! Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) has installed new secure bike parking in the town centre.

With the new innovative Bikehangars, cyclists in Maidstone can now park their bike quickly and conveniently, safe in the knowledge that it will be secure whilst they go shopping, catch a train, or grab a bite to eat.

The Council has partnered with Cyclehoop, a leading provider of secure cycle parking, and installed five new bike storage units in convenient town centre locations; King Street Car Park, Medway Street Car Park, County Hall, High Street, and Barker Road.

As part of its’ Climate Change & Biodiversity Plan MBC, encourages more people to use eco-friendly forms of transport and cycling has been on the rise across the borough as has the need for secure bikes storage.

William Cornall, Director for Regeneration and Place at MBC said:

“The installation of the new Bikehangars in the town centre is great news and marks a significant step forward for cycling accessibility in Maidstone.

“As a keen cyclist myself, I know how important it is to have access to safe and secure storage for my bike and these provide the perfect solution.”

The new units were installed by Cyclehoop and provide a user-friendly system offering several benefits for cyclists:

  • Peace of mind: secure Bikehangars safeguard bikes against theft, vandalism, and bad weather
  • Convenience: they are strategically located around the town centre, making them easily accessible for cyclists on the go
  • Accessibility: the service is accessed by the Cyclehoop App which is free to download from the Google Play Store and the App Store. The app is easy to use for cyclists of all ages and abilities
  • Value for money: pricing starts at 15p for half an hour

Anthony Lau, Cyclehoop Founder and Design Director added:

“We’re excited to bring Trips to Maidstone – the first units on the service in the South of England! Creating a network around the country enables cyclists to travel anywhere, knowing that they will find secure destination parking when they arrive at their journey’s end.”

The launch of Cyclehoop in Maidstone is a positive development for the town's cycling infrastructure. By providing secure and convenient parking options, Cyclehoop Trips encourages more people to choose cycling for their everyday journeys. This not only reduces traffic congestion and air pollution but also promotes a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for Maidstone residents.

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