The PSL scheme offers landlords a long-term lease with a guaranteed monthly income as well as a free professional property management service provided by the Council.
MBC will lease a property for between three and five years. During that time, the council will be responsible for the management of the property, take care of repairs, cover all Council Tax and utility bills, and provide landlords with a guaranteed rent.
Cllr Simon Wales, Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness at MBC said:
“To qualify for the scheme, homes must be in a good liveable condition and meet relevant property standards. The Council will require proof of ownership, valid safety certificates and current building insurance.“At the end of the term, the property will be handed back with guaranteed vacant possession and in a good condition. Please get in touch if you are a landlord and would like more information.”
The homes leased to the council will be utilised as temporary accommodation, for households affected by homelessness. By joining the scheme, landlords will be assisting to meet the needs of the residents of Maidstone.
One landlord who has recently joined the scheme said:
“I would certainly consider working with the council again and recommend it if you are someone who likes the stability and certainty of knowing your property is let and that your income will be consistently paid on time.”
Another added:
“It is good to hear we are helping to make a difference to those in the community that are requiring this category of social support.”
To find out more about PSL please get in touch by emailing:
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