News Changes to the Garden Waste Scheme

Changes to the Garden Waste Scheme image

Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is changing the way it charges for garden waste and is introducing a new annual permit for residents to attach to their garden bin. The permit will run from 1 July to 30 June every year.

Over the next 18 months, all subscribers will move to the new annual permit when their current renewal is due. Permits will start being sent out from July 2025 and will include instructions on where it must be placed on the bin.

Cllr Clive English, MBC Cabinet Member for Environmental Services said:

“The garden waste service has been running for over 20 years in Maidstone and is popular with many residents as an easy way to recycle grass cuttings, pruning’s, and leaves.

“The service is one of the cheapest in Kent and has around 30,000 subscribers, collecting over 19,000 tonnes of compostable material every year. All of which is treated locally and reused as a compost.”

During the transition to the new scheme, residents will receive a reminder when their subscription is due.  If renewals are within three months of the start of July, a renewal will be sent until July 2026.  For example, if a subscription ends in April, households will be sent a renewal for 15 months at the prorated charge.

New subscribers are always welcome and will be charged a prorated rate in the first year, based on when they join. For example, if someone joins in September 2025 they will be charged pro-rata until July 2026, and then start the full annual subscription to continue to run July to June in the following years.

Residents are also able to subscribe to more than one bin (maximum three per property), and will be provided with a permit for each bin.

Any residents who have a garden bin but do not currently have a subscription to the service should contact the Council immediately. Only bins with an active subscription will be emptied. Those who do not subscribe to the service, have the option to join or request the removal of the bin.

Sign up for the fortnightly collection now.

Email for more information or call 01622 602600

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